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getting starting, dose recommendation!

Started by reagent, May 15, 2021, 12:38:52 am

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I am new here and to DSR products. After using different combination of supplements, I decided to move to a single solution like DSR. I bought the EZ starting kit, and stopped doesing anything for 3 days to calculate my tank consumption before start doesing DSR products. I found that
Current KH: 9.3, consumption 1dkh/day
Current Ca: 1480, consumption 0.3 ppm/ day
Current Mg: 1350, consumption 20 ppm/day
Current No3: 12 ppm
Current Po4: 0.132
Current PH 7.8
Salinity: 1.025

Indeed, KH, Ca were quite high 3 days ago because I used kalkwaas for few days before stopping everything and deciding to move to DSR. However, I don't understand why my Mg consumption is quite high compared to Ca!
the tank is 260L, 6 month old, and I have mainly LPS & softies, everything is going well, but slow growth rate.

what is the best dosage to start with for DSR products ? I am afraid to follow the starting doses on the bottles and have a drop in paramaters, specially for KH.

Any recommendation / advice is appreciated.
Thank you 
