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DSR Italy

Started by Cristian83, August 27, 2022, 03:36:37 pm

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Hello everyone,
I am writing to you from Italy. I have a 70x60x50 aquarium with sump. ATI T5 10x24w Tunze 2x6055 tunze ATB Microsize skimmer with Sicce PSK600 pump Calcium reactor The reef tank started two years ago with great difficulty and never found a balance. I am still struggling to keep the PO4 high (tending to zero) this has led to some draw from below of some sps. I'd like to upgrade to DSR EZ and then upgrade to full DSR in the process. Not having Facebook, is it possible to have support here on the forum?

Unfortunately in Italy I have no reference members of the method.

Thank you Cristian