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Where to get DSR supplements?

Started by glennf, February 27, 2014, 09:24:44 am

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February 27, 2014, 09:24:44 am Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 11:59:13 pm by glennf
When starting to explain the DSR method people were curious and the ones who were interested ask me how to get started and how to get the stuff.
I realized that i had a hard time finding and mixing all the stuff i use now.
Most stuff were/are not available for consumers and a mistake is easily made when you have no experience with the purchase of raw chemicals.
For those two reasons i decided that i would not be revealing any chemical formulas and recipes. When people buy and mix the wrong stuff DSR would be blamed.
Instead i made it available at a reasonable price. All stuff are raw materials at high concentrates. Now you don't have to shop around to find the right stuff.

Please don't ask me to reveal formulas or source out products. if you don't have that knowledge already, it's a bad idea to do so. I  don't particularly enjoy spendings hours on chemical sites (most of them displaying very limited product information).

At first i sent it myself to the people who were interested in DSR, but  now it has become a lot of work. So i made an agreement with a few LFS's to make it available through them.

DSR is my project and i share it, because I believe it will help a lot of people to stay into this beautifull  hobby. I took the challenge to guide it to a succes.  The only way i believe to have it done succesfull, is with the support of the proffesionals in the business.

The first LFS where DSR will be available is: is an english supported webshop. Dennis is also very capable answering any questions in english, contact him  @

If you have any problems getting the stuff send me an email @

greetings, GlennF


Glenn,do you have formulas for the additives that can be given out for parts of the world where the additives are not sold? I have purchased chemicals for my aquariums before at chemical supply house's. Would just like to get the formula to get the additive right.


July 08, 2014, 10:41:04 pm #2 Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 10:46:21 pm by glennf
Quote from: reefwiser on July 08, 2014, 09:49:57 pm
Glenn,do you have formulas for the additives that can be given out for parts of the world where the additives are not sold? I have purchased chemicals for my aquariums before at chemical supply house's. Would just like to get the formula to get the additive right.

Sorry .. for now not, because it will come back and bite me...
I am looking into ways to make it possible, but for now i see only one solution.
Ordering it from dealers in holland. has an english supported site.

greetings, GlennF


I understand how you do not want someone making up additives that may not know what they are doing. Then causing the DSR method to get a bad name over some nut job posting on forums around the world how this is a bad thing on and on as they tend to do.

Like anything ordering from abroad either way from USA to Europe or Europe to USA will slow the spread of the method down world wide.
I will be using the DSR on my new tank build so I will order in the fall as starting from scratch on a new tank I tend to go really slow and take my time. With QT of corals and fish. So by the time I would be getting started on the supplements you may have this part worked out.


July 09, 2014, 05:09:40 pm #4 Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 05:14:32 pm by glennf
Quote from: reefwiser on July 09, 2014, 02:19:37 pm
I understand how you do not want someone making up additives that may not know what they are doing. Then causing the DSR method to get a bad name over some nut job posting on forums around the world how this is a bad thing on and on as they tend to do.

Like anything ordering from abroad either way from USA to Europe or Europe to USA will slow the spread of the method down world wide.
I will be using the DSR on my new tank build so I will order in the fall as starting from scratch on a new tank I tend to go really slow and take my time. With QT of corals and fish. So by the time I would be getting started on the supplements you may have this part worked out.

Thanks for your understanding.
I am in no hurry and i only want to do it the right way.
Making the recipes available will only benefit the persons with commercial intentions.
Most of the stuff (except kh,ca,mg) can't be obtained by consumers for a reasonable quality and pricing. So that is already a dead end, leaving only a few who wil benefit because they can get the right stuff.

My intention is to put down a guideline  for the way i work.
Anyone smart enough wanting to copy  and make money from my methode, should at least put some effort into it and should have the knowhow to source out and do calculation with the minerals.
There are many Hydrates and purities available for the mineral salt and so you should adjust the calculations to the version you use.
This is the reason i came up with the whole concept and made it available throught the shops. Just to keep grip on the method.

greetings, GlennF


I started use Zeovit back before it was readily available in the US. It still isn't sold in aquarium stores in the US.  mostly mail order. As shops do not wish to give new users the impression that the hobby is difficult to do. An that it is easy to set up an run a tank. Which is short term thinking on their part. 


In holland it's the same story.

But because now both users and stores see the benefit of DSR for moving the hobby forward they do believe in the concept.
In the beginning i was encourage by veteran reefers and later on also bij newbie aquarist to share the merhod because they saw how it could benefit them.
Their support gave me inspiration to do what i do now. Sharing it with the world and finding ways to make it possible for everbody to get aquainted with it.

The only thing i will not do, is giving it away free for others to turn it into a money making machine.

In the beginning there were 2 hijack attemps on the method already. So i got wiser....people need to earn their own stripes...

Quote from: reefwiser on July 09, 2014, 07:08:02 pm
I started use Zeovit back before it was readily available in the US. It still isn't sold in aquarium stores in the US.  mostly mail order. As shops do not wish to give new users the impression that the hobby is difficult to do. An that it is easy to set up an run a tank. Which is short term thinking on their part.

greetings, GlennF


I don"t sell any stuff directly.

I make it available through the proper channel and that is the LFS. I got them to support me and that is right and only way to go.

This is a list of the LFS supporting the DSR method.

greetings, GlennF