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What is the DSR Method ?

Started by glennf, December 25, 2013, 02:23:40 am

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December 25, 2013, 02:23:40 am Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 05:39:48 pm by glennf
The DSR method is my way of running a full occupied mixed reef tank without water changes.
i developed this method myself beginning of 2012, after running my tank since 2004 without any water change.
This was due to my goal to put down a full mixed reef with SPS/LPS/ and Softcorals  in one habitat, something few people said to be impossible.

The DSR Method (short explanation)
(read into the full DSR Threads before you get started)

- experimental method and use is at your own risk. (experiment has been running from jan2012)
- compose your own salt.
- No more regular water change.
- water parameter corrections  possible ( getting rid off imbalances in salt water including NaCl, Kh, Ca, Mg).
- Control of 12 values by known basic substances.
- DSR Calculator that calculates the dosage of all substances.
- Stable values by measurement and continuous corrections
- more economical as the aquarium gets bigger.
- By periodic measurements more understanding about the status of your tank.
- Ability to add other trace elements outside the DSR elements.
- Instant start (stop WC, measure a Correct using DSR elements and procedures)
- Instant stop (do aWC and stop DSR specific procedures)
In all, the DSR program contains 14 substances, eleven are measured.

The substances and test sets used:
1- Salinity: Milwauke Refracto metres (Pure NaCl Salt)
2- KH: Salifert (sodium bicarbonate)
3- Calcium: Salifert (Calcium Chloride)
4- Magnesium: Salifert (Magnesium Chloride)
5- (Magnesium sulfate) only used when mixing new water uses
6- Potassium: Redsea Potasium test ReefCare (Potassium Chloride)
7- Strontium: Salifert (Strontium solution)
8- Boron: Salifert Borium (Boron solution)
9- Iodide: Salifert I (Iodide Solution)
10- phosphate: Redsea Reefcare PO4 test. (Phosphate solution)
11- Nitrate: Salifert NO3 (nitrate solution)
12- iron: Sera Fe (iron citrate solution) - also used as PO4 reducer!
13- reduce Nitrate: (Carbon-vinegar/sugar solution)
14- for healthy buttons: (Amino/VitamineC solution)
You need the test set and the raw materials.

A dosing device is not necessary, but makes life easier. I use a 4 channel dosing pump and sometimes if necessary I have 2 extra channels added.

The latest DSR calculator can be downloaded here.
Always look for the latest postings...

movie about the functions of the DSR calculator

In the calculator you have two choices:
- compose a new batch custom salt water
- measuring and correct parameters with the calculated quantities

An iron solution is used primary to  reduce Phosphate, and secondary works as nitrate reducer. It also serves as a  trace element.
There is a carbon source (Carbon) used in the form of vinegar/sugar to reduce nitrate.

The DSR method is an all-In Solution. You can manipulate 11 water parameter values in both  positive and negatives values.
Essential minerals, trace elements and nutrients/pollutions are being monitored and controlled. For this reason water changes are not necessary anymore.

Remember you just can't stop WC without substituting this for another way to topup minerals and control you water parameters.

This is in short the capabilities of the DSR method.



De DSR-methode is mijn manier van het in stand houden van een volledige bezette gemengde Rif Aquarian zonder structurele (periodieke) waterwissel. Ik heb deze methode zelf ontwikkeld begin 2012 als aanvulling op het onderhoud van mijn aquarium die sinds 2004 al zonder water wissels draait.
Dit was tedanken aan het doel dat ik gesteld had om een volledige gemengde rif met SPS/LPS en Softcorals in één habitat neer te zetten, iets door veel kenners voor onmogelijk werd gehouden.

De DSR  Methode in het kort !
(lees zowieso de DSR blogs als je aan de slag gaat )

- Experimentele methode en  gebruik is op eigen risico. (experiment loopt al  vanaf jan2012)
- Eigen zout samenstellen op maat.
- Geen periodieke waterwissel meer.
- Scheve waterwaarden corrigeren mogelijk  (onbalansen in zout water wegwerken w.o. NaCl, Kh, Ca, Mg).
- Sturing van  12 waarden d.m.v. bekende basis stoffen.
- DSR Calculator die de dosering van alle stoffen berekend.
- Stabiele waarden door meting en doorlopende correcties
- Voordeliger naarmate de aquarium groter word.
- Door periodieke metingen meer info over de status van je bak.
- Mogelijkheid tot het aanvullen met andere spore elementen buiten de DSR elementen.
- Direct me te starten (stoppen met wisselen, meten een aanvullen en DSR oprocedures volgen)
- Direct mee te stoppen ( waterwisselsen starten  en stoppen met DSR stoffen en procedurees)
In totaal bevat de DSR programma 14 stoffen waarvan, elf gemeten worden.

De stoffen en daarbij gebruikte test setjes:
1- Saliniteit: Milwauke Refracto meter (Pure NaCl Zout)
2- KH : Salifert (Natrium Bicarbonaat)
3- Calcium: Salifert (Calcium Chloride)
4- Magnesium: Salifert (Magnesium Chloride)
5- (Magnesium Sulfaat) word alleen bij het aanmaak van nieuw water gebruikt
6- Kalium: Redsea ReefCare Potasium test (Kalium Chloride)
7- Strontium: Salifert (Strontium oplossing)
8- Boor: Salifert ( (Boor oplossing)
9- Jodide: Salifert (Jodide oplossing)
10- Fosfaat: Redsea Reefcare PO4 test. (Fosfaat oplossing)
11- Nitraat: Salifert (Nitraat oplossing)
12- Ijzer: Sera Fe (Ijzer citraat oplossing)
13- Nitraat verlagen:  (Carbon - azijn/suiker oplossing)
14- Voor gezonde buttons: (Amino/VitamineC oplossing)
Je heb dus de test setje nodig en de grondstoffen.

Een doseer apparaat is niet noodzakelijk, maar maakt het wel makkelijk.
Ik heb zelf continu een 4 kanaals doseer pomp in gebruik en soms heb ik 2 extra kanalen erbij, indien dit nodig mocht blijken.

De laatste DSR calculator kan via het forum gedownload worden.
Zoek altijd naar de laatste postings...

filmpje over werking DSR calculator

In de calculator heb je twee keuzes:
- een nieuwe batch zoutwater op maat samenstellen
- de waarden meten en Corrigeren d.m.v. bij doseren met de berekend hoeveelheden

Er wordt een ijzer oplossing gebruikt om primair fosfaat te verlagen, secundair werkt het als nitraat verlager en spore element.
Er wordt een koolstofbron (Carbon) gebruikt in de vorm van azijn/suiker om nitraat te verlagen.

Alles is in de DSR methode aanwezig om  de 11 waarden te manipuleren in zowel positieve waarde als negatieven waarden. 
Essentele mineralen, spore elementen en voeding/afvalstoffen  worden gestuurd, hierdoor zijn water wissels overbodig geworden.
Besef wel dat je niet zomaar kan stoppen met waterwissels je moet er wat tegenover stellen, om je waarden op peil te houden.

Dit is in het kort de mogelijkheden van de DSR Methode. Hoe je ermee aan de slag gaat staat redelijk uitgebreid in diverse topics aan de hand van voorbeeld situaties.
Kan je de weg niet vinden, dan kan je in de DSR methode topic vragen, daar is het voor.


April 24, 2016, 10:39:29 am #1 Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 11:22:34 am by admin
Rewrite: (april 2016)

The DSR method is a way of running a full occupied mixed reef tank without water changes.
The method was developed by Glenn Fong in the  beginning of 2012, after running his tank since 2004 without any water change.
This was due to his goal to keep a fully mixed reef with SPS/LPS and Softcorals  in one habitat, something few people said to be impossible.

Key features of The DSR reefing method:                           
1-Most cost-effective All-in-One maintenance method developed for large  and XL reeftanks.             
2-The next level in reefing, without the inconvenience of weekly waterchanges.           
3-independent, precise and scientific based dosing, resulting in total control of essential water parameters.         
4-Proven method showing excellent results.
5-Own DSR support forum and state of the art DSR calculator which makes dosing very easy.
6-Reliable dosing & monitoring of 12 core elements using hobby test kits.
7-Approach with a  fast learning curve to become a reefmaster
8-High succes rate for advanced reef aquarists and newbees.           
9-Open method which relies on trust and open communication to improve DSR even further.
10-Ability to make high quality reefsalt to your own specifications for major & emergency corrections.

- Instant start (stop WC, measure a Correct using DSR elements and procedures)
- Instant stop (do a WC and stop DSR specific procedures)
In base the DSR program contains 14 substances, eleven are measured.

The used substances and recommended test:
1- Salinity: D&D H2Ocean salinity refractometer (pure NaCl)
2- KH: Salifert (NaHCO3)
3- Calcium: Salifert (CaCl2)
4- Magnesium: Salifert (MgCl2)
5- (MgSO4) only used when mixing new water uses
6- Potassium: Redsea Potasium test ReefCare (KCl)
7- Strontium: Salifert (Sr+ solution)
8- Boron: Salifert Borium (B+ solution)
9- Iodide: Salifert I (I2+ Solution)
10- phosphate: Redsea Reefcare PO4 test. (PO4+ Solution)
11- Nitrate: Salifert NO3 (NO3+ solution)
12- iron: Sera Fe (Fe+ iron solution) - also used as PO4 reducer!
13- reduce Nitrate: (CarbonVS solution)
14- for healthy buttons: (Amino/C solution)
You need the test set and the supplements to get started.

A dosing device is not necessary, but makes life much easier.  Recomended is the  use of  6 dosing channel and sometimes 2 extra channels  if necessary for PO4 and NO3 dosing.

The latest DSR calculator can be downloaded here.
Always look for the latest postings...

English podcast, with expanation of how the DSR calculator (v141122nib) works, starting at 11:12 minutes.

In the calculator you have two choices:
- compose a new batch custom salt water
- measuring and correct parameters with the calculated quantities

An iron solution is used primary to  reduce Phosphate, and secondary works as nitrate reducer. It also serves as a  trace element.
There is a carbon source (Carbon) used in the form of vinegar/sugar to reduce nitrate.
The DSR method is an all-In Solution. You can control 11 water values both up and down.
Essential minerals, trace elements and nutrients/pollutions are being monitored and controlled. So doing regular water changes are not necessary anymore.

Remember you just can't stop WC without substituting this for another way to topup minerals and control your water parameters.

Happy Reefing, GlennF.