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Max dosing info

Started by glock339, March 08, 2014, 04:16:45 pm

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Hi Glenn (or anyone else who can help  :)) I was wondering if you have a page listing all the safe/max daily dosing amounts for each supplement? I did spend quite a bit of time hunting around for this info all the supplements before I started adding them to my tank but I stupidly did not write them all down & have forgot half of them so was wondering if theres a list or something of all this info somewhere?



March 08, 2014, 06:00:33 pm #1 Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 06:19:35 pm by GlennF
Quote from: glock339 on March 08, 2014, 04:16:45 pm
Hi Glenn (or anyone else who can help  :)) I was wondering if you have a page listing all the safe/max daily dosing amounts for each supplement? I did spend quite a bit of time hunting around for this info all the supplements before I started adding them to my tank but I stupidly did not write them all down & have forgot half of them so was wondering if theres a list or something of all this info somewhere?


Right in front of you Gary.
It's mentioned in the DSR calculator.

greetings, GlennF


Ah yeh knew I'd seen it somewhere lol

Cheers Glenn, I'll be back with some more extremely stupid questions soon no doubt!  ;D


March 10, 2014, 10:08:45 pm #3 Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 12:33:43 am by GlennF
Quote from: glock339 on March 10, 2014, 08:13:46 pm
Ah yeh knew I'd seen it somewhere lol

Cheers Glenn, I'll be back with some more extremely stupid questions soon no doubt!  ;D

Don't worry , my answers are steps ahead......

greetings, GlennF

arjon en maaike

Hoi Glen
Wat betreft de calculator, er staat ppm maar heb werkelijk geen idee wat dit is!  :-\


Quote from: scheper on March 12, 2014, 09:01:29 pm
Hoi Glen
Wat betreft de calculator, er staat ppm maar heb werkelijk geen idee wat dit is!  :-\

Ppm staat voor: Parts Per Million meestal ook uitgedrukt in mg/l (milligram per  liter)

Het is tevens de eenheid die door de testen gemeten gemeten word.
Dus het gebruik ban de DSR calculator is vrij simpel.

1- je bepaalt je inhoud
2- je geeft aan dat je correcties gaat uitvoeren.
3- Je meet en  vult de gemeten waarde in
4-  je kijk of je eens bent met de tatget waarden
5- je voert de aangegeven correcties uit
6- klaar

greetings, GlennF